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And in the midst of every storm, there are people crying out that we should finally get serious about this issue. Since 1980 federal antipoverty spending has exploded. If you simply took that money and handed it to the poor, a family of four would have a household income roughly twice the poverty rate. Yet over The last 30 years the poverty rate has scarcely changed. In The, American public spending on schools is high by global standards. The Sandtown-Winchester area of Baltimore, poverty Freddie Gray lived, has not lacked for attention either. He gathered public and private actors like developer James Rouse and Habitat for Humanity. The money was not totally wasted. By 2000, the poverty rate in the area had dropped by 4. The share of residents who lived in owner-occupied homes had risen by 8. But the area was not transformed. Today there are no grocery stores in the neighborhood and no restaurants. Despite all these efforts, there are too many young men leading lives like the one Gray led. He was apparently a kind-hearted, respectful, popular man, but he was not on the path to upward mobility. He won a poverty for lead paint poisoning. In one court filing, it was reported that Gray was four grade levels behind in reading. He was arrested more than a dozen times. It is New to say federal efforts to tackle poverty have been a failure. But all that money and all those experiments have not integrated people who live in areas of concentrated poverty into the mainstream economy. Often, the money has served as a cushion, not a ladder. Renewal efforts in Sandtown-Winchester prioritized bricks and mortar. But the real barriers to mobility are matters of social psychology, the quality of relationships in a home and a neighborhood that either encourage or discourage responsibility, future-oriented thinking, and practical ambition. Jane Jacobs once wrote that a healthy neighborhood is like a ballet, a series of intricate interactions in which people are regulating each other and encouraging american behaviors. But then the code dissolved.<br New informal guardrails of life were gone, and all was arbitrary harshness. Individuals are left without the norms that middle-class people take for granted. It is phenomenally hard for young people in such circumstances to guide themselves. The world is waiting for a thinker who can describe poverty through the lens of social psychology. Until the invisible bonds of relationships are repaired, life for too many will be nasty, brutish, solitary and short.
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